ICYMI: U.S. Open Ambassador Wanted Trump to “Die in a Grease Fire”

Far-left Don Cheadle is the brand ambassador for the USGA.

In survey after survey, golfers and golf fans lean strongly to the right, politically. Yet, if you were watching the U.S. Open today on NBC you noticed a USGA spot starring far-left political activist Don Cheadle.

(Imagine the NBA working with Ted Nugent?)

Apparently, Cheadle has been named “brand ambassador” of the US Open. In the press release, the USGA described Cheadle as the “Academy Award-nominated actor and United Nations Environment Program Global Goodwill Ambassador.”

USGA CEO Mike Davis said, “We are thrilled to work with someone as passionate about the health of the environment and the state of the game of golf as Don Cheadle. His prominence and support for these important causes make him a perfect fit for a collaboration with the USGA and to serve as a voice for fans of the U.S. Open.”

The USGA, and Davis, failed to mention Cheadle’s far-left Marxist politics, and his history of personal attacks against conservatives, particularly President Donald Trump and his 75 million (verifiable) voters.

For instance, in August 2016, Cheadle went on a day-long Twitter tirade against then presidential candidate Donald Trump and conservatives (e.g. “your ilk”) in general.

It was described this way in Breitbart:

Actor Don Cheadle unloaded on Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in a day-long Twitter tirade on Saturday, calling him a “POS” and suggesting that people of his “ilk” are responsible for conditions in violence-plagued cities like Chicago.

“You are truly a POS,” Cheadle tweeted in the first of more than two dozen messages the actor posted.

“Sorry. I misspelled ‘die in a grease fire,’” he followed up shortly afterward.

In another instance, the actor admitted that he wanted to “snap” Trump out of existence (a reference to a mass murder that occurs in the Marvel movie in which Cheadle co-starred).

Cheadle has also called for boycotts against Georgia for its pro-life abortion laws, and regularly tweets against the second amendment.

He even attacked Trump’s then 11-year old son Barron in a deleted tweet relative to climate change.

Try to imagine for a second, the USGA hiring an ambassador who once called for President Barrack Obama to die in a grease fire. Not only would it never ever happen, it wouldn’t even be possible as that person would have already been canceled from society a long time ago.

We reached out to the USGA and asked if they agree with Cheadle’s vile hate-filled sentiments.


  1. The USGA is like all other sports – scared sh*t if the woke black mafia. Look at the commercials. In a country that’s 12% black, the ads are all black. It’s a joke. Since when did diversity mean no white people? Although I did see two white guys in one commercial. They were kissing. It’s a ??
  2. They hired this lowlife amid the BLM terrorist rampage. The white country club types were running scared. They were like “let’s bring in a BLM terror ally as our front man so they don’t burn down our golf course.” Lol. So predictable.

    And you’re right. Imagine someone who called for Obama to die in a grease fire ever landing a job anywhere, never mind as the voice of America’s golf championship.

    The two sets of standards are disgusting.

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