Offering No Evidence, Rick Reilly Claims Trump Cheats at Golf

Rick Reilly is a former writer for SI and ESPN. These days he blogs and tweets.

Rick Reilly was once a pretty good read back in the day. I say “back in the day,” meaning about 25 years ago. In the age of Twitter, Reilly’s become something of a running joke.

He is the buffoonish uncle who tells the worst jokes at the most inopportune time.

Canned by ESPN for being an embarrassing bore, who basically plagiarized himself for 7-8 years, Reilly now writes for a website called the Athletic.

Other than family, there’s not a sane person who wakes up and cares what he has to say on a single subject. He’s simply irrelevant.

So what’s a has-been sports scribe supposed to do to get back in the club? Duh! Get woke, and write a book on how President Trump cheats at golf!

Introducing Reilly’s Commander in Cheat – a poorly-written book stuffed with innuendo and hearsay, featuring a cadre of Trump-hating hackers like Samuel L. Jackson, who – with no proof or evidence – tell tales about the president’s golfing habits.

It’s pathetic. Just like Reilly.

Search for it on Amazon. (PGW gets a percentage of any sale.)


  1. My issue is not on your topic. My question is about how Adam Scott appears to be anchoring his putter against his chest which is illegal. Why isn’t this addressed? At one point he had switched to a regular putter then on to a putter he anchored against his forearm; which is allowed. Can someone please address this issue & reply to my inquiry?


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