“We are living in a communist country,” my golfing buddy Jim texted me after news broke last summer that “Sleepy Joe” Biden’s DOJ had raided the Florida home of former president Donald Trump. It marked a first in America: the U.S. Justice Department had raided the home of a former U.S. President – not to mention the top political rival of the current POTUS.
My buddy added, “this is peak Stalinism.”
I wasn’t so sure.
But then came the historic proxy indictment (without a crime) by the Biden goons in NYC this past spring. I needed no more convincing.
Nothing says “freedom” like trying to put your number one political opponent in jail!
The propaganda launch of Joe Biden’s “campaign” was nothing but lies! pic.twitter.com/cwHs4qEvDi
— Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) April 29, 2023
Another indictment is said to be coming from Biden’s thugs down in Georgia. And Biden’s DOJ is also investigating Trump over classified docs (despite himself illegally having docs stuffed in his garage, among other unsecure locations). Then you have the fake civil case being funded by LinkedIn’s Reid Hoffman, a big time Democrat party funder. And of course, there’s Biden’s NY State AG who got elected by promising to target Trump’s business dealings.
And on and on it goes. Today, it’s called political lawfare. But it’s really just a tactic of communism: seize power (i.e. coup), then consolidate power (i.e. purge).

So, what does this all of this have to do with golf, you ask?
Well now Trump’s relationship with LIV Golf is being investigated by Biden’s DOJ goons.
According to Outkick, Biden’s DOJ leaked to the far-left NY Times that it had filed a subpoena against the Trump Organization on Thursday. The Biden 2024 legal team (aka the DOJ) now wants to “investigate” (then leak) information about the 45th POTUS’ relationship with the breakaway golf league.
“These people are thugs and criminals who allow ANTIFA & BLM to thrive and flourish, but who use full Gestapo force to shut down opposition and interfere in our Elections, which is what this BULL…. is all about!” pic.twitter.com/tNRxavgsz1
— Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) May 5, 2023
Trump golf courses will host three LIV Golf tournaments in 2023. Oh, the horror!
After this latest news, my buddy texted again: “I told you! It will never end.”
He added, “Some so-called ‘democracy,’ huh? More like a third world banana republic!”
It sure is.