GolfLogix, which claims to be the “most downloaded app in golf history,” has launched Green Books, a straightforward green-reading handbook, designed (and priced!) for the everyday golfer to “Play Smarter.”
The rules-compliant Green Books produces comprehensive 3-D imagery, including yardages, with the sophisticated green-contour information, used by the majority of Tour golfers in competition.
With the GolfLogix tour-level intel, golfers can reach into their back pockets, or golf bag, and read every putt, quickly and confidently, to facilitate lower scores and speed up play.
Professionals and amateurs alike have long trusted printed yardage books to steer their decision-making with confidence. These durable and water-resistant Green Books are available for more than 14,000 courses.
Some of the features include:
- The topographical guides include three views of every hole.
- Quick-view heat maps outline the green’s undulations and provide large, easy-to-see arrows which help golfers identify the areas to avoid when planning approach, pitch, and chip shots.
- Amazing course management features will provide more straight, uphill birdie putts and stress-free pars.
- A second, close-up perspective of the green highlights the subtle changes in elevation and direction that are often undetectable to the naked eye.
- Combined, the maps help make every putt read quick and simple, and virtually eliminate the 3-putt.
“With our foundation as a software company, we are uniquely positioned to produce these Green Books with detailed course-specific intelligence that helps golfers read greens quickly and with confidence,” President of GolfLogix Pete Charleston said.
“It was important to us to make accurate green-reading maps accessible for the everyday golfer. I’m proud to say golfers can purchase a Green Book for less than it costs to play a round of golf at most courses.”
Learn more: Golflogix.com
To use the book effectively, then, you need a good FEEL for green speed, and that feel needs to be ADJUSTED by small amounts throughout the round. The only way to develop that feel–and keep it up to date–is to know how to INTERPRET every putt you’ve made, whether straight or breaking, with the ability to TELL whether you had the right speed on the putt, or the right read. (Did you putt too firmly, or not firmly enough? Did you allow for too much break, or too little.)
When you add that capability to a greens book, your putting will take off, big time. (For that purpose, may I humbly suggest my book, Comprehensive Keys to the Green. It’s the only thing out there that will tell how to refine your intuition (aka feel) for green speed!