These Hilton Head Gator Jokes From McCord and Faldo Were Called “Inappropriate” and “Hysterical”


To kill time during a semi-boring broadcast of the RBC Heritage, the CBS cameras panned to an alligator floating near the edges Harbour Town Golf Links.

With a graphic showing “9 feet,” CBS analyst Gary McCord jumped in to say, “9 feet… that’s about 4 pieces of luggage.” A laughing Nick Faldo added, “And two pairs of shoes.”

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The scariest 9-footer you’ll ever come across. ?

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McCord warned, “And right now they’re really dangerous… It’s mating season… Don’t get near ’em.”

McCord is correct. Here’s a photo of a new family of Hilton Head gators with mom guarding the very edge of a red-painted hazard area.

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Weekend golf with the family. ?

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One insta commenter said, “That was inappropriate.” While another replied, “Although inappropriate, it was a hilarious comment nonetheless! Lol.”

PETA has not chimed in yet.



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