Watch a Golf Ball Leave Glen Abbey Golf Club and Hit a Moving Car

FlyingGolfBall via YouTube

Imagine driving down the road outside Glen Abbey Golf Cub, host of the RBC Canadian Open, and taking an errant tee shot off the hood of your car. That’s precisely what happened in this video.

As a golfer who hit the ball it’s not like you can yell “fore” into a busy intersection. At that point you just hope that no one gets hurt.

The video description might be the most entertaining part:

While driving on a public road beside Glen Abbey Golf Course in Oakville Ontario, a golf ball flew from the Golf Club hit my car. Fortunately the golf ball missed the windshield. Called the Golf Club to find out how they handle such incident. Left message for the director of operation… No one ever call back!

I’m sure this will be a major topic of discussion when the PGA Tour invades Ontario, Canada for the RBC Canadian Open this weekend.



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