Justin Thomas is in Troon, Scotland for the 145th Open Championship. Thomas joined the PGA Tour media team for a Facebook Rapid Fire Challenge – which we of course found on Instagram.
Scrolling through his iPad, the young PGA Tour star answered 20 quick questions as fast as he possibly could.
Here ‘s a rough transcript.
- Age you started playing golf? Two
- Your second best sport? Basketball
- The funniest guy on tour? Colt Knost
- Go to karoake song? Candy shop
- Fashion game in one word? Swag
- What animal are you most afraid of? Lion
- Favorite food? Tacos
- Favorite vacation spot? Baker’s Bay
- Actor who would play you in a movie? Mark Wahlberg
- Your idol growing up? Dad
- Favorite hole on tour? 17th at Sawgrass
- Call or text? Text
- Wine or beer? Beer
- Word you’d use? Sneaky
- Favorite super hero? Superman
- If you could travel in time, back or forward? Forward
- Favorite music? Rap
- Early bird or night owl? Night owl
- Skydiving or scuba diving? Scuba diving
- Is there a spider on your shoulder? No