Watch Joe Biden Get “Confused” After His Golf Ball Goes the Wrong Way

Joe Biden Golfs
What are the odds of any 6 handicapper in the world missing that massive green? Maybe 1,000,000-1?

Last month we ran a story about Joe Biden being “dazed and confused” on the golf course.

It turns out our report proved to be true. Yesterday, Biden attempted to golf in Delaware, and this time there was video evidence.

Let’s just say his 6 handicap may be even less believable than his 2020 vote total. May be.

In the video, the feeble Biden is unable to hit a simple chip shot over a one-foot stone wall. Instead – with a swing reminiscent of my grandmother sweeping the front porch, he skulls it dead straight at the rocks. And as the ball boomerangs in the wrong direction, the 78-year Democrat does something of a half-effort 360 – looking around, all “dazed and confused.”

A bystander says, “Did he hit it?”

“It went behind him,” another person whispers.

h/t gatewaypundit



  1. Biden was looking for the ball boy who he was counting on to retrieve his tennis ball so the match could go on.


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