Rick Reilly was once a pretty good read back in the day. I say “back in the day,” meaning about 25 years ago. In the age of Twitter, Reilly’s become something of a running joke.
He is the buffoonish uncle who tells the worst jokes at the most inopportune time.
Canned by ESPN for being an embarrassing bore, who basically plagiarized himself for 7-8 years, Reilly now writes for a website called the Athletic.
Other than family, there’s not a sane person who wakes up and cares what he has to say on a single subject. He’s simply irrelevant.
So what’s a has-been sports scribe supposed to do to get back in the club? Duh! Get woke, and write a book on how President Trump cheats at golf!
Introducing Reilly’s Commander in Cheat – a poorly-written book stuffed with innuendo and hearsay, featuring a cadre of Trump-hating hackers like Samuel L. Jackson, who – with no proof or evidence – tell tales about the president’s golfing habits.
It’s pathetic. Just like Reilly.
Search for it on Amazon. (PGW gets a percentage of any sale.)