Quick Hit: Tour Edge Wingman 700 Series Putters

Tour Edge Wingman 700 Putters
The new Wingman 700 Series brings a serious putter to Tour Edge's growing brand. (Photos Courtesy: Tour Edge, Layout: PGW)

Putters have long been the beneficiary of original innovative design thinking and the six new Wingman putters in the 700 series from Tour Edge are prime examples, all featuring high MOI.

Fast Facts: Tour Edge Wingman Putters
  • Models: Six models
  • Weighting: 2 three-gram interchangeable sole weights
  • Tech: Lock-on contrast alignment
  • Sole: Hollow carbon fiber sole plate
  • Face: TPU face insert with microgrooves
  • Hosels: 3 options (mid-toe, face, center)
  • Stock Shaft: KBS CT Tour
  • Stock Grip: Lamkin Jumbo Sink Fit Pistol
  • Pre-sale: July 31, 2022
  • At retail: August 1, 2022
  • MSRP: $199.99

WYNTK: Tour Edge Wingman Putters
Tour Edge Wingman 700 Putters
The Wingman Putters from Tour Edge come in three styles and six different models. (Courtesy: Tour Edge)

Tour Edge recasts their putter offering with six mallets in the 700 series with something for everyone and they explained the 700 series is the result of two years of work making improvements to the original Wingman models.

The family is comprised of three shapes with each having two different distributions of weight designed to fill the individual stroke characteristics and preferences of a range of players.

  • Mallets 701 mid (30°) toe-hang and 702 face-balanced with a large sole and perimeter weighted wings for highest MOI of the family
  • Mallets 703 mid (30°) toe-hang and 704 face-balanced with weights closer to face in a relatively compact head
  • Mini-mallet 705 Mid (30°) toe-hang and 706 center shafted have shorter heads for more blade-like feel and have weights located near the face

Engineers added a carbon fiber sole plate which, by replacing the usual metal sole plate pushed weight to the outside, further helping the Wingman resist twisting on off-center impacts. Hosels range from the mid toe-hang of the 701, 703 and 705 to the double bend of the 702 and 704. The 706 is the only center shafted model.

The two sole weights each version are a stock 3-grams, but to assist users in compensating for individual putting stroke idiosyncrasies an optional weight kit will be available soon with two 8-grams and two 15-gram weights. This will allow the user to customize the Wingman to individual preference particularly if pulling or pushing putts is a problem.

“The original Wingman putters enjoyed a cult-like success, and over the past two years, we’ve been improving upon that success in every way possible,” said Tour Edge President and chief designer David Glod.

“The feedback we received was that the Lock-On Alignment and the extreme stability of the putters were truly revolutionary for golfers. We put our focus on expanding the series to fit more player preferences in the shaping and to really upgrade the look, sound and feel of the putters in a big way.”

“The result of our two-year revamp is six new putter models that represent some of the highest MOI putters on the market, and that are absolutely going to help you reduce the number of putts you are taking in a round,” added Glod.

On the web: TourEdge.com/Wingman



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