Christina Kim and Andrew ‘Beef’ Johnston are two of the better pro golf-related follows on Twitter. Both engage with the fans, and have a great sense of humor.
So it was double the fun to follow the two of the them going back and forth, discussing the ever-important subject of golf tan lines.
Kim, who is in Taipei for the Fubon LPGA Taiwan Championship, started it off by tweeting a video of herself with a text overlay of “I feel like a newborn calf. How do these things even work?”
Current status
— Christina Kim (@TheChristinaKim) October 5, 2016
‘Beef’, who is a newly minted member of the PGA Tour, noticed the color contrast between Kim’s feet and legs (the dreaded pro golfer’s tan).
And off they went.
U still have socks on ??
— Andrew 'Beef' Johnston (@BeefGolf) October 5, 2016
You be careful! I actually wear @injinji toe socks! That's what lady pros have to deal with because we get to wear skirts and shorts ??
— Christina Kim (@TheChristinaKim) October 5, 2016
Dw I'd rather have white feet than white everything except my head and half my arms ??.
— Andrew 'Beef' Johnston (@BeefGolf) October 5, 2016
Kim closed it out “for the win,” by referring to her look as “monkey feet.”
I'm so used to tan lines that I always get weirded out seeing people with legs the same color as their feet! Monkey feet for the win!
— Christina Kim (@TheChristinaKim) October 5, 2016
Others call it the sock tan.
And the World Sock Tan Champion is … RT @hennizuel My tan lines…. Who says golf isn't sexy?!
— Golf Babes (@golfbabes) August 25, 2014